Principal Investigator

Dr. Matthew Roorda
Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto
Matt Roorda is a Professor of Civil Engineering with the University of Toronto Mobility Network. He is the Canada Research Chair in Freight Transportation and Logistics.
Project 1.1: Establish the Freight Data Warehouse (FDW)
Project 1.4: Applying Data Fusion for Freight Bottleneck Analysis
Project 1.6: Supply Chain Analytics During/After Pandemic
Project 3.1: Off-peak Delivery (OPD) Extended Pilot
Project 3.3: Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Delivery Pilot
Project 1.4: Applying Data Fusion for Freight Bottleneck Analysis
Project 1.6: Supply Chain Analytics During/After Pandemic
Project 3.1: Off-peak Delivery (OPD) Extended Pilot
Project 3.3: Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Delivery Pilot

Dr. Elkafi Hassini
Degroote School of Business, McMaster University
Professor Hassini specializes in data-driven optimization with applications in supply chain management. His current research interests include big data optimization, supply chain analytics, supply chain risk management, sustainability performance measurement and strategic procurement.
Project 1.3: Visualizing and Animating Telematics Data
Project 2.1: Behavioral Location Models for Last-Mile E-commerce Deliveries
Project 2.2: Mitigating the Impacts of E-commerce in Neighbourhoods
Project 2.5: Logistics Models of Novel Last-Mile Delivery Systems
Project 4.6: Multi-modal Transportation of Hazardous Materials
Project 4.7: Labour Demographics & Dynamics
Project 2.1: Behavioral Location Models for Last-Mile E-commerce Deliveries
Project 2.2: Mitigating the Impacts of E-commerce in Neighbourhoods
Project 2.5: Logistics Models of Novel Last-Mile Delivery Systems
Project 4.6: Multi-modal Transportation of Hazardous Materials
Project 4.7: Labour Demographics & Dynamics

Dr. Peter Park
Associate Professor
Civil Engineering, York University
Dr. Park is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Toronto. His expertise is in transportation safety and security (highways and railways), intelligent transportation systems, transportation planning, and advanced statistical analysis.
Project 1.5: Assessing Network Safety and Fuel Efficiency via Big Data Analytics
Project 4.2: Reducing Fatigue Collisions by Optimizing Long-Haul Truck Parking Supply
Project 4.4: Enhancing Freight Mobility and Safety with Managed-Lane Tactics
Project 4.2: Reducing Fatigue Collisions by Optimizing Long-Haul Truck Parking Supply
Project 4.4: Enhancing Freight Mobility and Safety with Managed-Lane Tactics
Project Leaders

Dr. Birsen Donmez
Associate Professor
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Birsen Donmez is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and the Canada Research Chair in Human Factors and Transportation. Her research focuses on operator attention in multitask activities, decision support under uncertainty, and human automation interaction, with primary applications in surface transportation and healthcare.
Project 4.1: Safer Interactions Between Trucks & Vulnerable Road Users

Dr. Kevin Gingerich
Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering, York University
Kevin Gingerich is an Assistant Professor at York University in the Department of Civil Engineering. He completed his PhD in 2017 from the University of Windsor with emphasis on modelling cross-border truck activities. His research at York has continued to focus on freight with emphasis on applications including truck route choice and parking.
Project 1.2: Shipper and Truck Driver Surveys
Project 3.2: Cargo Tricycle Delivery Pilot in University Innovation Zones
Project 4.5: Long-Combination Vehicle Corridor Traffic Signal Management
Project 3.2: Cargo Tricycle Delivery Pilot in University Innovation Zones
Project 4.5: Long-Combination Vehicle Corridor Traffic Signal Management

Dr. Manish Verma
Associate Professor
DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
Manish Verma is an Associate Professor of Operations Management in the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University. His research interests are in network design and multimodal freight transportation, risk assessment and management of dangerous goods, security issues in location and transportation networks, humanitarian logistics, optimization and solution methods in supply chain management, and transportation and risk analytics.
Project 4.6 – Multi-modal Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Dr. Marianne Hatzopoulou
Associate Professor
Civil & Mineral Engineering, University of Toronto
Marianne Hatzopoulou is Professor in Civil and Mineral Engineering at the University of Toronto and the Canada Research Chair in Transportation and Air Quality. She leads an active research group studying the interactions between transportation, air quality, climate change, and public health.
Project 2.4: Optimization of Crowd-shipping with Mobile Drop-off Points
Project 4.3: Truck Driving Safety and Eco-driving Scoring System
Project 4.3: Truck Driving Safety and Eco-driving Scoring System

Dr. Mehdi Nourinejad
Assistant Professor
Civil Engineering, York University
Dr. Nourinejad completed two postgraduate degrees at University of Toronto in Civil Engineering. His research investigates the impact of autonomous vehicles on transportation infrastructure and travel behaviour amongst other interests: Mobility-as-a-Service (MAAS) management, Parking Management in urban areas, etc.
Project 2.6: Operational Challenges of Same-day Delivery
Project 2.7: Predictive Analytics in the First Mile to Improve the Last Mile
Project 3.4: Curbside Loading Zone Pilot
Project 4.7: Labour Demographics & Dynamics
Project 2.7: Predictive Analytics in the First Mile to Improve the Last Mile
Project 3.4: Curbside Loading Zone Pilot
Project 4.7: Labour Demographics & Dynamics

Dr. Merve Bodur
Assistant Professor
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto
Merve Bodur is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. Her research interests include stochastic programming, integer programming, dynamic programming, multiobjective optimization and combinatorial optimization, with applications in a variety of areas such as scheduling and transportation.
Project 2.4: Optimization of Crowd-shipping with Mobile Drop-off Points

Dr. Saiedeh Razavi
Associate Professor
Civil Engineering, McMaster University
Saiedeh Razavi received the BSc degree in Computer Engineering, the MSc degree in Artificial Intelligence, and the PhD degree in Civil Engineering, in 1996, 2002, and 2010, respectively. She is the Director of the McMaster Institute for Transportation and Logistics (MITL), Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, and the Chair in Heavy Construction at McMaster University.
Project 1.3: Visualizing and Animating Telematics Data
Research Team

Dr. Amir Amiri
Postdoctoral Fellow
McMaster University
Amir received his PhD degree in Civil Engineering - Highway and Transportation Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran in 2018. Amir’s research interests include: Transportation Engineering, Traffic Safety, Logistics, and Machine Learning.

Dr. Carlos Iván Rivera Gonzalez
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Toronto
Carlos’ line of research aims to foster transportation systems and supply chains in which efficiency, livability, and environmental objectives are achieved. To do so, he researches the interconnections among urban economies, land-use and transportation systems, and supply chains to identify ways to foster economic efficiency, sustainability, quality of life, and environmental justice.

Dr. Mark Ferguson
Senior Research Associate, Project Manager
McMaster University
Since 2009, Dr. Mark R. Ferguson is Senior Research Associate with the McMaster Institute for Transportation and Logistics (MITL). In that time, he has played an integral role in the development of MITL’s portfolio of research projects that examine aspects of efficiently, reliably, safely and cleanly moving goods and people.

Dr. Shuming Du
Postdoctoral Fellow (2020 - 2021)
Ontario Ministry of Transportation, McMaster University
Shuming Du is a postdoctoral fellow at McMaster Institute for Transportation and Logistics (MITL). He received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from McMaster University, Canada, B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Dalian University of Technology, China.

Jacob Klimczak
Freight Data Warehouse Specialist
University of Toronto
Jacob is the Freight Data Warehouse Specialist at the University of Toronto. He is a third year computer science student at the University of Toronto. He has varied experience in data inventory management, data architecture, front-end and back-end development, data science, and dashboard development.

Marisa Sterling
Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Advisor
Director of Diversity, Inclusion and Professionalism, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto
Marisa Sterling is a distinguished engineer and academic administrator. She has over 20 years of experience working and volunteering in the engineering field, in both the private and public sectors.