
CLUE addresses an interrelated set of challenges and opportunities arising from trends in urban goods movements, through the execution of 24 projects organized in four broad themes. At CLUE, we:

  • identify the factors that create demand for freight movements
  • analyze alternative logistics network designs to accommodate e-commerce demand
  • conduct pilot studies of new delivery methods
  • propose policies and technologies that reduce emissions and improve the safety of drivers and other road users

CLUE enables a novel significant collaboration between researchers at three Canadian universities and key stakeholders in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area’s regional goods movement ecosystem. CLUE partners in the public sector, private sector and NGOs provide data, expertise, and technology, and, in turn, benefit from lessons learned through implementations of novel logistics solutions and the insights resulting from our research. Their participation ensures that our research results in knowledge and technology transfer in support of decision making that improves goods movement activities.

CLUE research and services are made possible with funding provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).